Tuesday, July 26, 2022


My little niece ran into my room this morning while I was on call with a friend then the holy spirit laid it in my heart to talk to her about boundaries. There and then I told her Semilore, you must always knock on the door before coming into my room.

So as parent when is the appropriate time to start teaching our children /wards boundaries?

Honestly if you ask me it should be from day go, the bible was very clear about this, ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.’ Niv (Prov22:6)

Our family wiz family a blogger observed that While it is healthy to have personal boundaries, not all personal boundaries, by definition, are healthy. In certain situations, our personal boundaries may be too rigid, preventing adaptation or personal growth. In others, they may be too open, causing us to take on more than we can handle or to be swayed too easily.

Boundaries are essentially about understanding and respecting our own needs, and being respectful and understanding of the needs of others,” explains Stephanie Dowd, PsyD, a clinicalpsychologist, “and for that to work, we need to be putting a big emphasis on helping kids develop greater empathy and self-awareness.

To teach children about what makes a health boundary parents should know how to identify the traits of unhealthy boundaries and endeavor to discipline themselves to adhere to the principles they want their children to inculcate, since children learn more through observation of the adult patterns that the adult instruction.

Your sincerely till next read
Keep raising a healthy generation while changing the narratives.
Témitope Popoola
Temiteeontop of God

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